
Frankie Sez Hatters is a Boutique Hat Shop for Men and Women Housed in a Renovated Century plus former Winery overlooking dramatic Twenty Valley and Creek.  The shop is a feast for the senses with exposed Beams, Cement Block and the entire design of the shop was predicated on the Amazing Bones of the Original Structure....its a cream puff!  Local Artist, Paul Gozen's artistry was painstakingly applied to Gel all elements....Come see for yourself!

Emanating from those Bones is a curated selection of Hats for Men and Women that are waiting for you to try....Dress Up, Dress Down, Dress to impress, Dress for Yourself, Dress to Laugh, Dress to Cry and best of all Dress to the Dance and Nuance of life...its all here!

Frankie and Rita's passion for La Dolce Vita is reflected and showcased here with exclusive Made in Italy Collaborations from Generational Artesnal Hat Makers whose businesses are centred around family, culture and celebration of life.